The goal of my research is to improve human mobility using neurally-integrated robotic systems.  I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, where I work with Dr. Shriya Srinivasan in the Biohybrid Organs & Neuroprosthetics (BIONICs) Lab.  At Harvard, I am studying physiological and technological methods to interface with the human nervous system, including implantable devices and peripheral neurosurgical reconstruction.

I completed my Ph.D. in Robotics at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), where I worked with Dr. Aaron Young (EPIC Lab) and Dr. Greg Sawicki (PoWeR Lab).  My doctoral work focused on integrating human biomechanics, sensing, wearable robotics, and data-driven algorithms to design an exoskeleton that continuously adapted to and augmented human balance during walking.  

My doctoral work was funded by the National Science Foundation, both through an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and NSF NRT ARMS Fellowship.  Along with my Ph.D., I also completed Georgia Tech’s Certificate in Teaching, which focuses on teaching and learning in higher education.  I’m passionate about mentoring and have been recognized with the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering’s Fellowship for Commitment to Undergraduate Research.  Previously, I received my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2022 and my B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018.

Education & Training

Postdoctoral Fellowship in BioEngineering, Harvard University
Ph.D. Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Some Recent Updates

March 2025

I’m thrilled to receive the Harvard Mind Brain Behavior Postdoctoral Fellowship, which will support my next two years!  I’ll be working on peripheral neurosurgical reconstruction for neurally-driven robotic control with my advisor, Dr. Shriya Srinivasan, and my co-mentor, Dr. Matthew Carty.

March 2025

I had another great visit, this time to UMass Amherst to talk at the Kinesiology Graduate Seminar!

January 2025

I had a great visit to UMass Lowell to give the Mechanical Engineering Grad Research Seminar!

October 2024

I began my postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University in the Biohybrid Organs & Neuroprosthetics (BIONICs) Lab with Dr. Shriya Srinivasan.

September 2024

This month wrapped up an exciting year of conferences – Dynamic Walking in Pensacola, FL, American Society of Biomechanics in Madison, WI, and BioRob in Heidelberg, Germany!

August 2024

I successfully defended my dissertation and earned my Ph.D. in Robotics from Georgia Tech!

May 2024

I’m incredibly honored to be this year’s recipient of the American Society of Biomechanics Pre-Doctoral Achievement Award – an enormous thank you to ASB for this recognition! 

April 2024

A huge thank you to the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering for recognizing me with the Women of Woodruff Fellowship as well as the Ph.D. Research Excellence Award with associated Maddox Fellowship.

April 2024

Our new paper was just published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering, titled “A data-driven approach to estimate human center of mass state during perturbed locomotion using simulated wearable sensors”.

March 2024

Our new pre-print is out on arXiv, led by collaborators in the Georgia Tech LIDAR Lab – check out the “Robust-locomotion-by-logic: Perturbation-resilient bipedal locomotion via signal temporal logic guided model predictive control” along with the video.

March 2024

See you at ASB! Our symposium was accepted for this year’s conference.  Come check out “Perturbing our ideas on balance: Open questions in biomechanical stability and balance across scales”.

Feb. 2024

Our new paper was just accepted in Robotics and Automation Letters, titled “Dynamic duo: Design and validation of an autonomous frontal and sagittal actuating hip exoskeleton for balance modulation during perturbed locomotion”.

Feb. 2024

Our paper was named to the shortlist for this year’s Journal of Experimental Biology Outstanding Paper Prize.  Check out the news article highlighting the shortlisted papers and winner here.

Dec. 2023

I just completed Georgia Tech’s Tech to Teaching Certificate, which is a program designed to prepare trainees for teaching in higher education.

Oct. 2023

Our new paper was just published in IEEE TMRB, titled “Comparing metabolic cost and muscle activation for knee and back exoskeletons in lifting”.

Aug. 2023

I received a fellowship for dedication to undergraduate research mentorship from the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, check out the article here.

June 2023

I visited and gave a talk at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany – details here and talk recording here.

May 2023

I gave an “Ask Me Anything” talk for the American Society of Biomechanics’ AMA series, check it out here.

March 2023

I got to share a bit about my academic background and interests through the Journal of Experimental Biology’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Spotlight, check it out here.

Feb. 2023

Our new paper was just published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, titled “Linking whole-body angular momentum and step placement during perturbed human walking”, along with an accommodating open-source data set.

Dec. 2022

I received my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech.

Dec. 2022

I just successfully passed my dissertation proposal, titled “Developing an intelligent robotic hip exoskeleton for stability augmentation during perturbed locomotion”.

Some Recent Talks

Podium Talk at Dynamic Walking 2023

Title: When limbs collide: When and why people jump in response to perturbations during walking

Invited Talk at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Title: Biomechanics, Estimation, and Augmentation of Human Balance During Perturbed Locomotion


American Society of Biomechanics Ask-Me-Anything Seminar

Title: Lessons Learned From Perturbing People, Researching Recovery, and Communicating Conclusions

Invited Talk at Motek Research Seminar

Title: CAREN Research at Georgia Tech: Biomechanical Stability and Augmentation